Since coming to the Bar in 2022, Alistair had developed a mixed civil and criminal practice. He has appeared before the Sheriff Court, Sheriff Appeal Court, High Court and Court of Session. He is approachable and is adept at managing the range of expectations in challenging situations.

Criminal Law

Alistair is available for instruction in relation to trial and appellate work. He is regularly instructed as defence counsel and has conducted trials in the High Court and Sheriff Courts throughout the country.

He has been instructed in a wide range of criminal matters, including assault, drugs offences, financial crime, road traffic offences and sexual offences. He also has an interest in regulatory crime flowing from his civil regulatory practice.

Information Law

In relation to data protection and privacy matters, Alistair has been instructed on behalf of data subjects and controllers. He has experience of acting in actions for compliance orders under the Data Protection Act 2018 as well as claims for damages under the data protection legislation. Alistair’s LLM dissertation (2015) considered the practice of the Information Commissioner in relation to Monetary Penalty Notices for breaches of the Data Protection Act 1998.

He has also advised and acted for requesters and public authorities in relation to Freedom of Information matters (including access to environmental information), both in relation to the Scottish and UK legislation.

Alistair has knowledge and experience of the First-Tier and Upper Tribunals in relation to information rights cases.

Judicial Review

Alistair has been instructed, both as a solicitor and as counsel, in relation to a wide range of judicial review matters, including in relation to Freedom of Information (where appeal is excluded by the legislation). He has also advised on or acted in cases concerning decisions of the Parole Board for Scotland, local authorities, and the Scottish Legal Aid Board. He has also been instructed in relation to a number of cases concerning decisions taken in prisoner discipline hearings.

Regulatory Law

Alistair also has experience in dealing with regulatory law cases. He has advised on and acted in cases involving care services, including where regulatory authorities have been seeking to cancel registration and appeals against decisions taken by the regulatory authorities. Additionally, he has also acted in relation to other regulatory appeals, including in relation to appeals against the SLCC and the Accountant in Bankruptcy.

Family Law

In relation to family law, Alistair’s practice mainly consists of cases concerning children, particularly complex and highly contentious actions in relation to residence and contact. He is often instructed in family law cases where there are allegations of abuse. Alistair also has experience in relation to financial provision concerning spouses, civil partners, and cohabitees. He has also acted in relation to enforcement of English Child Arrangements Orders in Scotland under the Family Law Act 1986.