Gareth called to the Bar in 2022 as a Lord Hope Scholar and has been instructed as defence counsel in the High Court as junior counsel alone in prosecutions of attempted murder and supplying of controlled drugs and sexual offences. He has acted as junior to senior in murder, firearms and organised crime cases.

Gareth has significant trial experience, having prosecuted both summary and sheriff and jury cases as a procurator fiscal depute in Glasgow Sheriff Court. He is well versed in leading evidence from experts, child and vulnerable witnesses in sexual and sensitive cases. He was part of the Crown team assigned to work on the 2015 Glasgow Bin Lorry FAI. Before leaving COPFS, Gareth was a senior procurator fiscal depute in Crown Office where he focused on civil matters, including the case in which the Lord Advocate’s immunity was reconsidered by the Inner House in 2019. He also has experience of working on two private prosecution applications which were brought before the High Court in 2016.